Horizontal graphic with the Science Writers 2024 conference logo, a triptych showing the Blue Ridge Mountains, downtown Raleigh skyline, and the North Carolina coastline with a rising sun. Web address science writers 2024 dot org and hashtag Sci Wri 24 are visible below.
Get financial aid to attend #SciWri24: travel and caregiving grant applications due Sept. 10

Register today for #SciWri24 — the annual gathering for professionals, students, and educators in science news! A co-production of NASW, CASW, and SCONC, ScienceWriters2024 will be a destination for anyone interested in the world of professional science writing, at any career stage or seniority. Come network, learn, and grow with our national and international community — and join us in advancing the professions and professionals that produce science news and public information for the benefit of our society.

American Heart Association travel stipend for freelance science writers

AACR June L. Biedler Prize for Cancer Journalism

Science Writers' Handbook series

The Science Writers’ Handbook and its spinoff titles have become must-read guides for all science writers. Whether you’re a journalist, communicator, educator, or scientist, the books offer fun, pithy, and readable advice for launching a new career or enhancing your existing one.

Science Writers' Handbook series